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Do you want to learn how to braid the butiá leaf and be a guardian of Gaucho’s intangible and cultural heritage?

So you are in the right place! The art of braiding the butiá leaf is a valuable tradition that is part of the rich Gaucho culture. By mastering this technique, you will not only be preserving a cultural heritage, but you will also be connecting with the roots and history of the region. Learning to braid the butiá leaf is to immerse yourself in a universe of creativity and manual skill, where each braid tells a story and carries with it the essence of Rio Grande do Sul. Be ready to get involved in this fascinating journey and become a guardian of the heritage immaterial and cultural gaucho!




During the last 6 years at Apoena, we have managed to leave our legacy alive by sharing our knowledge with others. During these processes, we maintain our values and tell our story.
Multiplying knowledge and making it infinite.
Check out where we've been in our latest workshops.

Taller de Hojas de Butiá - GUICHON URUGUAY
December 2023


WEAVING LEAVES Workshop - 24th Brazilian Congress of Floriculture and Ornamental Plants  
November 2023 | Bento Gonçalves - RS

11 NOVEMBRO 2023 (40).heic

Weaving Leaves Workshop - CHANDON
Encruzilhada do Sul - RS

Imagem do WhatsApp de 2023-08-31 à(s) 09.27.47.jpg

AV. ATHAYDES PACHECO MARTINS, No. 800 - SANTA FÉ - CEP: 98870-000  - GIRUÁ | RS   -  _cc781905-9cde-3194-bb3b-136bad52cf51/0751

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